Obtaining Feedback

The Department of Sociological Studies is committed to giving prompt and detailed feedback to students.

Assessed work will normally be returned to students three working weeks from submission (this is a significant reduction in the feedback turnaround time, and the department is committed to delivering this).  A provisional mark will be given and is subject to the approval of the Examination Board and the Faculty. 

The assessment submission process will be conducted almost entirely online through the Turnitin programme. Please see the section on submitting to Turnitin for instructions on how to submit your assignments. You will also receive your feedback through Turnitin.

We will send an email when your feedback is available to view online. PLEASE ENSURE YOU DOWNLOAD A COPY OF YOUR MARKED WORK (we will not provide you with a copy at a later date). It is your responsibility to save a copy of your feedback for future reference.

In the few instances where work has been submitted by hard copy - a range of collection days and times for the return of assessment via the Enquiry Desk for each module will be provided.  

Examination scripts are not returned but can be viewed.  We will set up designated 'feedback' sessions for students to view their examination scripts and you will be emailed with dates and times. There is limited feedback on exam scripts - the main purpose of viewing an exam script is to remind you what you had written and to see the breakdown of marks per question.      

You will be provided with both summative and formative feedback. The summative feedback is intended to give you helpful comments on how we assessed your work and arrived at your overall mark. The formative feedback provides you with specific suggestions about how you could improve your performance.

If you do not understand the feedback you have received you should arrange to meet with either your personal tutor, or the module convenor. Contact details for staff are available here. 

Uncollected Work

Most work will be marked online and it is your responsibility to download a copy of your feedback, as we will not be able to provide a copy for you at a later date. 

For work that is marked as hard copies, you will be offered several opportunities to collect your feedback and marked work, around 3 working weeks after submission. For continuing students a final opportunity to collect work from the previous academic year will be offered during the first week of the next academic year. Work that is uncollected will be destroyed at the end of the first week of the new academic year.   

For final year students graduation week, will be the final opportunity to collect work for that academic year. Work that is not collected will be destroyed at the end of graduation week.  Therefore if you would like to have your feedback and marked work, you must attend one of the essay return sessions and for online submissions, ensure you download a copy of your feedback.

Receiving Feedback

Your feedback will be made available to you on the module Blackboard page. Click on the 'My Marks' section on the left hand side. There is a useful web page here on how to access your mark  when the results are released.

The Learning & Teaching team will send an email when your feedback becomes available in Blackboard.