General Submission Information

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication. If however it is necessary to make any changes, these will be posted on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check your Module Blackboard Page prior to submitting your assignments.

1.     You are required to submit one electronic copy of your assignments via Turnitin, using the SCS Turnitin Submission Coversheet  located in the 'assessment details' section of the module Blackboard page. Some assessments may require you to submit using a Pebblepad link in the module Blackboard page, or an alternative submission point may be provided (e.g., Blackboard assignments) if the assessment format is not compatible with Turnitin (e.g. an MP4 file).

2.     Written assignments must be typed. You should use a clear font (such as Arial), size 12.  Paragraphs should be clearly presented (indented or with a clear line between) and line spacing should be at least 1.5.  Marks may be deducted for incorrect presentation.

3.    You should ensure that you answer the correct assessment question. Check with your Module Convenor if you are unsure.

4.   Clearly reference all sources using the Harvard System of referencing.

5.   You must include a word count at the end of your written assignments and should not exceed the word limit. Essays over the word limit may lose marks because the argument hasn't been fully presented within the allotted word count.  

6.   Any essay that is over-length in the view of the examiners,  is at risk of being failed,  and should this occur the essay will be dealt with in the same way as other failed essays.

7.   You should use your student registration number (from your U-card) as the title when uploading the work and include it on the front page of your assignment. It should also appear in the header or the footer of every page. 

8.   Essays should include the full essay title on the first page and all pages should be numbered.

9.  Extension requests must comply with the regulations outlined in this assessment handbook. Please see the 'What if I need an Extension?' link  on the home page for further details.

10.  All work must be submitted by 15:00 on the day of the deadline (or your extended deadline, if additional time has been agreed). Failure to do so will mean the work is deemed late and a penalty may be imposed by the exam board.

11.  If you encounter any issues when uploading your work please contact as soon as possible so that we can help you resolve the issue and avoid late penalties. 

12.  Always keep a complete copy of your work, as the department may request this at any time.