Food Waste Tips From Our Team

by Charlotte Barras-Damms, Chloe Bradman, Becky D'silva and James Pearson, 19/03/2019


"I use meal plans for the week as I hate wasting food and we have a (very) small fridge so can't store too much! I also try and use left-over fruit in cakes like banana bread or in smoothies.

In the summer, my parents always have lots of excess fruit from their fruit trees which I also use for baking or making."



"I find it interesting how different councils handle food waste issues. For example, in Dorset the council provides food waste buckets to all households.

 Everyone is meant to deposit food waste in this bucket - even things like tea-bags and eggshells. This then goes into creating compost and some bio-fuels and stops it turning in to harmful gasses which can occur if bio-waste ends up as landfill. 

It's a real shame only some council's do this as it seems like a really positive way of putting food waste to good use that can't be distributed out to other people. 

I don't think Sheffield does this, if so it certainly hasn't made its way into the city centre where I live!"


"I have my own food waste bucket, of which (some) goes into compost and the rest sadly into the general waste. I do this for compost and also to remove food smells from my bin.

I tend to freeze a lot of things or buy smaller portions of things…  I always have frozen sliced bread for toast and would only buy a small pack of baps or something if I specifically needed them. Also, if I think that I won't be using something before it's end date, I then cook and freeze it for a future meal option, rather than throw it away."



"Living with limited space in the fridge for lots of food and a busy schedule means I tend to do lots of little food shops getting exactly what I need which helps prevent left-over waste. 

I also use the local grocer for loose fruit and veg, ensuring that I only get the exact quantities I need rather than multipacks – and without the plastic packaging!"