Food Waste Heroes

by Chloe Bradman and Calyn Hughes Mcinnes, 05/02/2019

Here is a small list of organisations and societies in Sheffield that utilise food waste for the better. 

 'all information and photographs from'

Food Works Sheffield

Food Works Sheffield is the master-hub for food waste prevention in Sheffield.

They really do cover all bases, with two pay-as-you-feel cafés in the city (only using food that would have gone to waste, of course), a donation-based food market (Sharehouse Market), catering opportunities as well as providing education on food waste in primary schools.

And it doesn’t end there - now, thanks to their crowd-funder in December last year, they welcome their Green Box Scheme – see their FAQ sheet below to find out more….

Pay-as-you-feel Cafés:

Citrus Café at Zest

Zest Centre, 18 Upperthorpe, S6 3NA

OPENING HOURS: Monday – Friday 09:00am – 2:00pm





Wednesday: 8:00pm – 10:00pm

Thursday: 10:00am - 3:00pm

Friday: 10:00am - 3:00pm, 8:00pm – 10:00pm

Also open for events.



Steeple Corner Café

Victoria Centre, Stafford Road, Norfolk Park, S2 2SE.

OPENING HOURS: Wednesday – Friday 10:30am – 2:00pm



Sharehouse Market

49 Carlisle Street, Sheffield, S4 7LJ

OPENING HOURS: Monday – Saturday 13:00 – 15:00

Student’s Union at University of Sheffield

The Wellbeing Café

This is the Student Union’s very own pay-as-you-feel, volunteer-run café that uses food from the Food Works Sheffield to make a buffet style canteen for students once a week. There is a suggested donation of £2 for the general upkeep of the café, but that includes the whole experience, from tea-drinking on arrival, to whatever colouring and crafts are provided that week (and of course, your delicious meal!). What’s great about well-being café is that their central value, as well as combatting food waste, is helping students maintain positive mental health and wellbeing – which, let’s face it, we would all benefit from! 

WHERE? View deli, Level 4 SU

WHEN? Term-time, Monday’s from 6pm


HOW CAN I VOLUNTEER? Sign up to our working group here to find out the latest on volunteering slots, or just show up at 5pm on the next term-time Monday and help set up! We are always looking for new volunteers 

Save our Sandwiches

Save our Sandwiches is another amazing society at the SU that collects all of the leftover sandwiches from all food outlets on campus and gives them to Sheffield's homelessness charities to pass on to those in need. 

Last term they saved an impressive 3,138 items of food from going to waste – and you can help them save even more! Sign up to their volunteering page here to do your bit to help prevent food waste on campus.

“Our mission is to reduce food waste in the Student's Union and simultaneously help donate food to vulnerable people in Sheffield and organisations that support them.”

They hold a weekly social every Friday called 'Day Zero' where they gather as many volunteers as possible to help leave zero waste on campus each week! Visit their Facebook page here to find out more and get involved.

Other Sustainable Initiatives


Olio creates a network of people sharing leftover food. Styled on Freecycle, this app connects people's eating habits in a safe and sustainable way. Their community focused attitude to food waste is innovative. They also have their own resources on food problems in the UK and some ways to tackle the issue.

Two Good To Go

Two Good To Go lets people prevent restaurant food waste directly. They’ve already got some high profile restaurants, hotels and supermarket chains involved but the more people taking part the more effective their initiative can be. It’s especially good at supporting local businesses be sustainable while benefiting the users.