How to cite us

For the whole tutorial:

Charles, M., Crowther, A., Ertug, F., Herbig, C., Jones, G., Kutterer, J., Longford, C., Madella, M., Maier, U., Out, W., Pessin, H., Zurro, D., (2009) Archaeobotanical Online Tutorial <>

For specific parts of the tutorial treat the sections like chapters in a book.

For example, if you are citing the Phytolith section of the tutorial the citation would be...

Madella, M. and Zurro, D. (2009) "Phytoliths" in Charles, M., Crowther, A., Ertug, F., Herbig, C., Jones, G., Kutterer, J., Longford, C., Madella, M., Maier, U., Out, W., Pessin, H., Zurro, D., (2009) Archaeobotanical Online Tutorial <> Accessed 16 July 2018.