Business and Administration

The sector in a snapshot

Working in a business setting doesn't always just mean sales! Every company or business (small to large) needs the support of administrators, managers and consultants to make them work. Jobs in this sector help the other sectors to work! Role vary from HR to finance, business management and more- no two roles or businesses will be the same.

There are around 43,000 roles in this sector across South Yorkshire with roles at various levels, starting at Level 2 and working up to graduate opportunities!

Most business and administrative jobs are office-based, but that doesn't mean just sitting behind a computer all day! You could be involved in a variety of tasks such as ones that are client facing or helping in the background with things like events.

What could the sector offer you?

Jobs in this industry are likely to give you:

  • Some variety- when solving problems you will have a variety of things to solve.

  • Roles with processes- most business and administrative jobs have a level of structure and processes to follow.

  • People focused roles- the jobs in this area have people and business at their heart!

  • Chance to progress- most roles in this sector will allow you to progress up the pay scale through training.

Reality Check

Most jobs in this area are competitive and depending on the company you work for there may be high expectations; you would not have the same responsibilities as an administrator in a school versus as an administrator in a multi-million pound company. To rise up the pay scale you may need to be savvy about who and what you know.

You will likely need to have skills in....

Organisation, problem solving, IT/computers, communication and customer service

Some roles in the sector

RECEPTIONIST (Approx. £15,000-£22,000 per annum)

When most people think of 'jobs in business', they usually imagine a role such as a receptionist. As a receptionist you will be the welcoming face of an organisation. It is usually a highly varied role, with opportunities to really stretch into other areas of an organisation depending on the employer you work for (think anything from hospitals, hotels, agencies, dentists- and more!). Nearly every business with premises will have a receptionist- someone to answer phones, welcome and sign in guests, organise interviews and co-ordinate events!

RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS (between £16,000 to £40,000 per annum depending on type and location)

Working in recruitment is a very people focused job, so you will need an eye for talent! Jobs in this area usually recruit candidates to fill vacancies for other companies. You may be involved with speaking to prospective employees or even the employers themselves! This is usually an office based role where you will need excellent people skills.

RESEARCH OFFICER (annual pay of approx £34,000)

Business research is an area of growth, with an increase of 5.7% estimated nationally (for Business and Research Professionals). As a research officer you may be involved with collating feedback from users or clients, and using this information to inform the direction of a business. This data won't just be numbers- it could also be a collection of quotes! This can be a varied but rewarding role. You may also research more than just opinions, as the video below shows:

See what your career map might look like for the college
