Making a Decision

What do I need to know?

So you have become more self-aware, you have researched your options and created an action plan. But you still have to make a decision...

When you are looking at your options for the future, you may find that there are several options available to you. It is important to research carefully before making your final decision. Below are just some of the questions you should try and answer:

  • If you have a particular career in mind, will the study option you pick provide you with a valid qualification?

  • If you are not sure what you want to do afterwards, is the option general enough to be useful or would it only lead to a specific job/career?

  • Do you have the required qualifications such as GCSEs, work experience or other qualifications?

  • Where is it? Can you travel there easily?

  • What options will you have once you have done the course/job? Where will it lead you? Is there an option for progression?

  • Is it full time or part time? How many hours a week will you do, and how will you use your time wisely? How long is the course/contract?

  • How hands on is it? Will you have the option to work, or in the case of a job, what will you be doing?

  • Some courses are not free, will you have to pay fees if you want to get another qualification? Could you be eligible for a student loan?


There are no magic wands when it comes to making a decision.
The only person who can make that decision effectively is

Where can I find the information?

There are various ways you can find out the answer to the questions above:

  • College or university websites

  • Job descriptions and researching industries/roles

  • Visits or open days where you can meet staff and students

  • During an interview- there's always an opportunity for you to ask your own questions

  • Prospectuses and course leaflets

  • Asking other people currently in that position

  • Conventions and fairs where institutions will be available to answer your questions

  • Sites such as UCAS and Student Finance both for Further education and Higher education