Manage your Career

What are Career Management Skills?

Career management skills are your combined ability to be able to face the challenge that is modern career management.

Careers aren't just something we do once.

It is common in the modern day for someone to have a variety of careers, jumping from job to job, industry to industry. In this case we need to be able to have a variety of skills which will help us tackle these changes effectively.

Career management skills are split into four parts.


This is more than knowing what you can do. It is about really knowing who you are and where those parts of you fit into the world.


Good career planning can improve your horizons. You need to consider all paths and options equally and be aware of how these will help you achieve your goals.


Having a greater awareness of your personal strengths and areas of success but also where these can be used in the world of work/your career.


As you explore options you should engage with a wide range of people who can help you on your journey which will provide different benefits.

How can I improve my Career Management Skills?

  • Complete a self-assessment to get greater awareness of your skills

  • Make a list of your strengths, but also your weaknesses. Weakness are skills you haven't mastered yet- there's still time to work on these and make yourself more well rounded!

  • Work on the skills you find challenging to improve yourself.

  • Research your options for your career- could you take different routes? Will what you want to do actually suit you?

  • Get involved with opportunities to build your network- volunteer, shadow or get work.

  • Take on new challenges and approaches- for example could you join our Enterprise Academy in your spare time?

  • Have a careers appointment to get support with any of the above!