Elementary Student Assistance Program

An ESAP (Elementary Student Assistance Program) team is a part of each elementary building in the Sharon Schools.  This team is designed to assist teachers and families in identifying issues that pose a barrier to a student's success.  Such issues include learning problems, social-emotional concerns, behavioral concerns, attendance/truancy issues, mental health issues, and involvement with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.  The primary goal of our teams is to work with the students and families to identify interventions to help students overcome these barriers so they achieve and make advances in the school environment.

Each team is led and coordinated by the school counselors.  Building principals, a school psychologist, Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission liaison, and selected building staff and specialists sit on the team.  Meetings are held on a regular basis throughout the school year.  Referrals can be made by any staff members as well as parents.  If you are a parent and have concerns that you wish the ESAP team would address, please see the contact information below and reach out to the team coordinator at your child's elementary building.

Case Avenue Elementary

(724) 983-4015

Team Coordinator:  Mrs. Kelly Roys

Ms. Traci Valentino, Building Principal

Mrs. Darcy Wiesen, Title I Reading Specialist

Mrs. Lisa Hixenbaugh, School Psychologist

Ms. Bella Mariacher, SAP Liaison, Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission

Mrs. Traci Barber, Home and School Liaison

Mr. Sam Schweiss, Special Education Background

Mrs. Megan Metro, School Nurse

C.M. Musser Elementary

(724) 981-4381

Team Coordinator:  Mrs. Mindy Anderson 

Mr. Jeff DeJulia, Building Principal

Mrs. Amy Simpson, Title I Reading Specialist

Mrs. Jayne Geisler, School Psychologist

Ms. Erica Andryc, SAP Liaison, Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission

Mrs. Traci Barber, Home and School Liaison

Mrs. Carly Vass, Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Amanda Finzel, School Nurse

West Hill Elementary

(724) 981-4880

Team Coordinator:   Mrs. Amy Hammond

Mr. Justin Schweiss, Building Principal

Mrs. Lisa Nicastro, Title I Reading Specialist

Mrs. Lisa Hixenbaugh, School Psychologist

Ms. Mariah Richael, SAP Liaison, Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission

Mrs. Traci Barber, Home and School Liaison

Mrs. Heather Webber, Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Amanda Finzel, School Nurse