Cadet Life

5 days in the rock battalion!

monday-academics 1

Monday Academics 1

tuesday-academics 2

Tuesday Academics 2

wednesday-uniform day

Wednesday is our Uniform Day when Cadets will wear the Dress Uniform during the school day. 

Uniform Day teaches Cadets Attention to Detail, Time Management and Responsibility! Cadets must plan ahead to ensure their uniform is ready for inspection.

Wednesday is the one day of the week when Cadets will be properly groomed and ready for inspection in the classroom.

Uniform Day is Cadet led. Commanders, First Sergeants and Squad Leaders will inspect Cadets for Uniform and Grooming deficiencies.

The Dress Uniform is provided free to Cadets and properly fitted. Cadets will be responsible for the care of the uniform.


Rock Battalion Physical Training (PT) is every Thursday. Our PT Program focuses on whole body health including Nutrition, Stress Management, Strength Training and Cardio Endurance!

PT is Cadet led. Commanders, First Sergeants and Squad Leaders will lead stretching and exercises.

PT workouts include Team Sports, Circuit Training, Bodyweight Exercises, Kettlebell Workouts and Cardiovascular Routines. Everyone will participate and do their best!

The PT Uniform is Battalion PT Shirt, shorts or sweatpants, sneakers and water bottle.

friday-drill & ceremony

Drill and Ceremony (D&C) is every Friday. Cadets will learn the fundamentals of Drill including marching, stationary and facing movements.

D&C is Cadet led. Commanders, First Sergeants and Squad Leaders will lead companies and squads through Basic Drill. Drill & Ceremony teaches Cadets Attention to Detail, Physical Coordination and use of a Command Voice!


LET I_Textbook.pdf
LET II_Textbook.pdf
LET III_Textbook.pdf
LET IV_Textbook.pdf
LET I_Cadet Notebook.pdf
LET II_Cadet Notebook.pdf
LET III_Cadet Notebook.pdf
LET IV_Cadet Notebook.pdf