iPad Setup

Common Issues and Resolutions 

Issue:  iPad Is Stuck at “Awaiting Final Configuration from Shaler Area School District”
This issue happens when the iPad setup stalls in the middle of the configuration process.  This can only be resolved by bringing the iPad in for service.  Please fill out a ticket to schedule an in-person help day.

Issue:  iPad did not download the “Manager” app or iPad is requesting an Apple ID sign in
This issue happens when the iPad is able to download a configuration but fails to initiate app download.  This can be corrected by erasing the iPad and starting over the setup process.  This process seems daunting, but it is relatively simple to perform.  Please do the following: 

ISSUE:  Google Classroom, Docs, and other apps requires a passcode to continue
Google requires a lock passcode to use their apps.  To setup a code on the iPad, do the following: 

ISSUE:  The “Manager” app loads, but some apps are missing from the iPad or within the “Manager” app
While in the manager app, tap on “Update” at the top right of the screen.  This will pull a fresh list of any app that has been assigned to your student.  Wait a few minutes and use the “Re/Install” button to install any missing apps from the iPad.  If apps are missing from the “Manager” app, please have your student contact the building tech support for direct assistance.

ISSUE:  iPad is disabled, Lock passcode is forgotten, iPad is showing Activation Locked
The iPad will need to be brought in for service / reset as these usually cannot be corrected remotely.

ISSUE:  Google Classroom code for a teacher is not working
Class codes are only known by the teacher of that class.  Please contact/email that teacher directly to confirm or receive a new code.

ISSUE:  iPad is not charging
Please bring in the iPad, charging brick, and lighting cable so we can diagnose which item is faulty and replace it.

ISSUE:  Cannot connect Bluetooth devices to the iPad
This is an issue we are trying to resolve but have no definitive fix at this time.  You can try the following: