iPad General Info

The District has provided Apple iPads to all students. All students enrolled at Shaler Area School District will be issued an iPad.
The initiative at SASD allows teachers and students to utilize technology as a tool for personalizing instruction. We strive to engage students in their learning, provide authentic ways for instruction, maximize learning opportunities, allow critical thinking and exploration, and challenge students.  Students are issued new iPads at kindergarten, fifth grade, and ninth grade.

Students are issued:

Acceptable Use

The Shaler Area School District Board Policy #244 “Acceptable Use of Internet” Agreement states that students are expected to comply with ethical-use guidelines and abide by federal copyright laws. Further, students will comply at all times with Board Policies, the SASD Code of Conduct, the Responsible Use of Technology, the Internet Safety Agreement, and this Handbook.

Device Safety & Best Practices

iPad Cameras & Microphone

The iPad comes equipped with audio and video recording capabilities through a built-in microphone and front- and rear- facing cameras. All electronic recordings created with the device must comply with District policies and state and federal laws. District policy prohibits the use of electronic recording devices in a manner that compromises the privacy interests of other individuals.

District policy also prohibits harassment and bullying. Users of the iPad are required to use the device in a manner that complies with these and other District policies. Use of the iPad in a manner that violates District policy may result in disciplinary consequences.


Internet Access – Students are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with school district policy, accepted rules of network etiquette, and federal and state laws. All users of the Shaler Area School District network are required to follow Board Policy #815 regarding the Acceptable use of the Internet E-mail or District Network. To view this policy from the Shaler Area Home Page, select District Board Policy, then, Policy #815.
For computer use eligibility, a student must not have a record of any misuse or mishandling of any computer equipment or misconduct within the computer labs. Also, a student must not have a record of violating the district’s Internet policy.

Internet Use

An Internet filter is maintained by the District for school use on the device. Filtering not only restricts access to unacceptable sites, but also restricts access to inappropriate materials of all kinds. The Shaler Area School District cannot guarantee that access to all inappropriate sites will be blocked. Log files are maintained on each device with a detailed history of all sites accessed. It is the responsibility of the user to appropriately use the device, network, and the Internet. The Shaler Area School District will not be responsible for any harm suffered while on the network or the Internet.  Students are required to notify a teacher or administrator if they access information or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable.

iPad Damage, Loss, Repair and Responsiblities

Parents and students are responsible for the care and safety of the iPad and case.  iPads should remain in their cases at all time.

iPad repairs fall under the following schedule: