Class Goals

In the STREAM Lab we work to strengthen our skills in the 4Cs. As we shift our thinking in education from training students for particular positions or jobs and towards teaching them how to think, problem solve, and adapt to new situations, we are preparing them to be a part of the global workforce. "If today's students want to compete in in this global society, however, they must also be proficient communicators, creators, critical thinkers, and collaborators (the "Four Cs")" (NEA, "Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society" p. 5).

4 Cs: 

RULER: Social Emotional Learning Skills

St. Gerard Majella School employs the RULER program through the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Our faculty and staff work with students to identify emotions and to learn how those emotions affect our interactions with others and our work at school. Each school year we create a school charter that includes how we want to feel while we are at school each day. In the STREAM lab, as we work in groups to accomplish our learning goals, we try to keep in mind how we want to feel at school and how we can help others feel this way, too.  We try to use kind and encouraging words and actions to create an environment that supports all learners.