Dear Elementary Friends,

We have created this site to provide you with resources to keep you active. The daily recommendation for children ages 6-17 is 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Please strive for AT LEAST 20 minutes per day, which should include locomotor skills (skipping, hopping, Jumping, galloping, side stepping....etc....) plus exercises to help with your physical fitness level (planks, push-ups, curl-ups), please see standards below. In addition to activities you may already be doing to stay active, we encourage you and your family to use the resources listed below to help you meet your goals. It may be helpful to use the activity or nutrition logs below to keep track of your progress. Stay active and have fun!

Mr. Ashcraft, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Kritz, Mrs. Mulligan, Mr. Schreiner, Mr. Swayne

Stay safe this summer as you play, explore and exercise! Check out the information below for some summer safety tips.

Local Trails

Anchor Diamond Park, Bozen Kill Preserve, Galway Nature Preserve, Glen Sanders Preserve, Great Flats Nature Trail, Indian Meadows Park, Lisha Kill Preserve, Moccasin Kill Sanctuary, Schenectady County Forrest Preserve

Activity Log


Nutrition Log

Nutrition Diary.pdf

Other Recommendations

  • Ride bikes

  • Throw, kick, shoot a ball with a family member

  • Playing Card Fitness

  • Yard work (clean the yard as a family)

  • House work (spring cleaning)

Tartan Fitness 5th 4th benchmarks.pptx

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