Gr. 6 & 7 parents please re-enroll for 2025-2026 before Feb 14th to avoid the increase in your Registration Fee!

*No School Mass the week of 2/10

**CSW FAM Challenge

**NJHS reminders:

Peer Tutoring continues on Mondays and Wednesdays until May 7th

Next NJHS Meeting:   Tuesday, Feb 11th  2:30-3:30pm

NJHS Meetings typically take place on the second Tuesday of each month.  Please mark your calendars!

Attendance will be taken and all members are expected to attend.  Please reach out directly to Mrs. Shaughnessy with any conflicts well in advance to discuss.  Members should check the Google Classroom for the notes from the meeting.

Great job by all at the Science Fair!...special congrats to those who placed and now qualify for the Regional Science Fair to take place at BCC on March 1st!

*Extended Care/Clubs on deck currently:

CONGRATULATIONS to our 7th and 8th Graders on their 3-peat (co)Championship at the Catholic Schools Challenge!  So proud of them!

*High School info for Gr. 8:  

Click here for more info.

Rebel FAM House System

Please display your FAM locker magnet outside your locker with pride!

Students should also take time to get to know their patron especially.

The race is on for who will win the House Cup in 2024-2025!

FRASSATI HOUSE currently has the lead!

Frassati House Captains:  

Connor A. (8)

Clare S. (7)

Frassati House Parents:

Ms. Welsh

Mrs. Reis

Mrs. Rogers


Sept Challenge 225

**Oct Challenge 270

FAM Spirit (magnets)   51

All Saints Day Trunk 150

Friendsgiving 226

**Christmas Challenge 568

**CSW Challenge 613

2,103 points

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us!

Acutis House Captains:  

John B. (8)

Mariel B. (7)

Acutis House Parents:

Miss Martin

Miss Fernandes

Mr. Gomes


Sept Challenge   160

Oct Challenge 200

FAM Spirit (magnets)   53

**All Saints Day Trunk 300

**Friendsgiving 297

Christmas Challenge 407

CSW Challenge 250

1,667 points

Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!

Molla House Captains:  

Dean D. (8)

Kate M. (7)

Molla House Parents:

Mrs. Shaughnessy

Mr. Sylvester

Fr. Ryan


**Sept Challenge 271

**Oct Challenge         270

**FAM Spirit (magnets)   80

All Saints Day Trunk   75

Friendsgiving 290

Christmas Challenge 531

CSW Challenge 360

1,877 points

St. Gianna Beretta Molla, pray for us!

Specials in Middle School

Grade 6

MON- Lang Lab



THURS- Exploratory Elective


Grade 7


TUES- Lang Lab


THURS- Exploratory Elective


Grade 8



WED- Lang Lab

THURS- Exploratory Elective


*Student Council officers elected 

for 2024-2025!

*NJHS officers appointed 

for 2024-2025!

Some memories from this year....

Gifts to Gift December Drive!

NJHS Harvest Hoedown Dance!

Reflect each day on how you lived out our Mission Statement, and challenge yourself to find ways to stretch yourself in these areas!

A Nightly Prayer

As the day draws to a close, Lord, I ask for your grace as I reflect upon this day.

Where have I seen light in this day?

Where have I seen hope in this day?

In whom did I see the face of Christ today?

Where might I have missed the face of Christ?

When did I feel called to meet the burdens of others?

When did I have the courage to allow others to meet me in my own burdens?

In gratitude, Lord, for all of the ways you have been faithful to me today, I pray all of these things in the name of your Son, Christ, Our Teacher.


-created by the Alliance for Catholic Education

Meet your teachers and view Subject Area Resources below:

HOMEWORK will be posted on the homework page of this Google Site for reference daily, however, students will be required to utilize their school planner to record short and long-term assignments from their Google Classrooms to practice time management and executive functioning skills. 

Use your school planner to stay motivated and organized!  

TECHNOLOGY: Grades 6-8 utilize the G Suite for Education as a part of technology integration.  Click here to learn more.