Teacher Events

Monday, Dec. 5th 2022 at 10:00pm PST CS Ed Week Kickoff: CS Everywhere

Join us as we celebrate the start of CSEdWeek! We’ll hear from a select panel of the 2022 CS Heroes about their own progress and celebrate community milestones in CS Education. Check out the CSEdWeek website to see last year's heroes. Speakers will be announced at a later date. Make sure and RSVP for this virtual event!

Tuesday, Dec. 6th 2022 5:00-7:00 pm PST CSinSF K-12 PLC Adobe HQ San Francisco

SFUSD CS K-12 educators please join us as we celebrate the start of CSEdWeek as a community! We will gather at Adobe headquarters in San Francisco and Adobe reps will showcase their Adobe Express suite. We will also feature activities curated by the CSinSF content team. Invite a colleague and come network and take part in the CS in Ed celebration! Please RSVP so we can get a solid count for the evening's event!

Wednesday, Dec 7th 2022 at 3:00 PM PST Ways you can Advocate for CS in Your Community!

In this session, the CSTA Teacher-Led Policy committee will share ways all teachers can become advocates for CS in their schools, communities, regionally, and beyond!

Thursday, Dec 8th 2022 at 1:00 pm PST Examining K-12 CS Education from the Teacher’s Lens

CSTA and Kapor Center are excited to share findings from a 2022 national survey of PreK-12 computer science teachers. We will share the current landscape of PreK-12 CS teachers, including their demographics, teaching background, school context, professional development, instructional practice, and identity-inclusive computing practices. Plus, we will share related recommendations for policymakers, educators, industry leaders, and school district administrators.