
Lead an Hour of Code or another classroom activity to inspire students, expose them to computer science, or deepen their understanding. View activities by grade level:

Plan Your Activity

  • Select a curated activity from the grade level pages, or explore more activities at

  • Use this lesson plan outline to help you plan.

  • Read these teaching tips for introducing CS.

  • If students finish early, ask them to complete another activity or help their classmates.

  • At the end of class, celebrate and reflect! (You can use this exit slip.) Have students showcase their work.

  • If you want to make certificates for students, visit the Certificates page. It’s fast and easy!

When Your Students Come Across Difficulties

  • Preempt frustration by explaining that CS is challenging and students should expect errors (“bugs”). Brainstorm tips for debugging. See a list here.

  • Tell students, “Ask 3, then me.” Prompt them ask three peers, before asking an adult.

  • Encourage students and offer positive reinforcement: “You’re doing great, so keep trying.”

  • It’s okay to say, “I don’t know. Let’s figure it out together.”


  • Consider what devices you will have. Some activities do not work on tablets.

  • Many of the curated activities require no devices at all!

  • It’s perfectly fine, even encouraged, to have pairs of students share a computing device. We call this pair programming. (See more information.)

  • You may want to provide headphones or ask students to bring their own.


  • Explain what computer science (CS) is and why it matters.

      • One definition: “computer science is using the power of computers to solve big problems”

      • See this page for more information and a great video.

      • Show videos illustrating the relevance and inclusive nature of computer science.

  • Two resources to encourage and support girls of color getting involved in CS: Girls Who Code and Black Girls Who Code