Healthcare Sector

11/9 - Healthcare Application Exploration

In this assignment students were asked to select a healthcare application and evaluate it using the Google Slides posted below.

Heathcare App Review

11/14 - Healthcare Career Quiz

Lesson 49: Healthcare Careers

11/16 - Map Tour

A *star* next to the heading means the section is required in your portfolio

This application allows users to select a destination using the ListPicker, and then the WebViewer will display the Google Map that corresponds to that destination. Students were asked to post their User Interface, and two pieces of code on their portfolios. Look below at each section for more information.

User Interface*

Students were to create a User Interface with an image of their city, a ListPicker, and a WebViewer. They were then asked to explain their reasoning behind the design and to reflect on what they could change to make it better.


  • "I designed my user interface to be easily used by people who are visiting St. Louis. The image shows what city the app is about, and the list picker button is large so users can easily click on it. I used most of the space for the WebViewer so the map that pops up could be easily seen. One way I could make it better or more user friendly would be to..."

Variables (lists)*

This app utilized two variables with a lists of the destinations and their corresponding URLS. Explain their purpose in your portfolio.

Event Handlers*

The event handlers for this application included an initialization handler and a ListPicker handler. Explain the result of both handlers in your portfolio.

Sugar Tracker Application

A *star* next to the heading means the section is required in your portfolio

This application allows users to track how much sugar they're consuming from soda that they drink. Users can select the type of soda, then select a size (12 oz or 20 oz) and the app will tell them how many grams of sugar that serving has in it. Users can then store that information and keep track of throughout the week.


In this design I added 6 different buttons for different sodas. I also added buttons for the size the user has drank, and buttons to add that amount sugar to their diet. The sugar label tells the user how much sugar is in each type/size of soda.

Diet Info Screen

This is the screen that shows users how much sugar they have eaten over time. It keeps track of the total amount of sugar and stores that information for later. There are 3 invisible labels that show up when the user opens the screen that shows the last 3 sodas that they added. The return button takes users back to the main screen.