
8/20 - Intro to Apps and Coding

2. Introduction to Apps and Coding Part 1_Handout

8/24 - App Inventor Lesson 1

In this lesson students were to complete the robot app (Lesson1StarterJF.aia) and post the design of the app, and the code they used to make the robots talk when they are pressed. Students were then asked to explain how their code worked below their picture.

Example: "In this app I created 3 buttons; each with a different colored robot. When the button was clicked by the user it called on the code to use the text to speech component to read a message."

8/28 - I Have a Dream app

In this lesson students were to follow a video procedure on how to create an app that would play famous speeches of Martin Luther King and Malcom X. They were then asked to post their design/code on their portfolios and explain how their code worked.

Example: "In this app I created two buttons that, when pressed, would play the speech of the person on the button. In the code I had to make each button play the speech, as well as stop the speech if it was pressed again. The buttons also had to be coded to stop the other speech if it was already playing so that two speeches would not be playing at the same time."