

Hola amigos! Pre-K has been busy learning about Mexico. We talked about the land and beaches of Mexico, the native wildlife, learned about Mexican artists and art, and traditional dress. The students also learned some Spanish, which is the language most commonly spoken in Mexico.

One common plant found in Mexico is the Cactus. After learning about various native plants and animals, the students created their own cactus art.

Spanish Phrases we learned:

*Hola Amigos! (Hello Friends!)

*Buenos dias (Good morning)

*Como Estas? (How are you?)

*Buenas tardes (Good afternoon)

*Buenas noches (Good evening)

*Fiesta (Party)

*Siesta (Nap)

* We also learned to count to 10 in Spanish

Exploring our creativity while learning about Mexico

PK3 created their own sombreros and pinata art.

PK4 created their own "tin art" inspired by the tin folk art that is popular in Mexico.

As part of our study of Mexico, we made simple, kid friendly, cheese tacos.

We made some paper tacos too!!

Maracas, Mexican paper flowers and Papel Picado with Ms. Shea

To conclude our study of Mexico, we had a festive parade complete with Pinata costumes and our own maracas that we made.

Playing with beads!

Our PreK students loved looking through bowls of beautiful beads to create this whimsical beaded wind chime for the Art Auction!