7th Grade


7th Grade Research Projects

China - Evie

Evie Fazio

China - Nichole

Rachael Nichole Gee

China - Laney

Laney Hall

China - Ryan

Ryan Lapin

China - Jayci

Jayci Wyatt

Chinese Ink Wash Paintings

To celebrate International Week, both 7th and 8th grade studied the Chinese art of ink wash painting. Learning the ink wash technique involved a surprising amount of philosophical conversations. How does it feel to try something you've never done before? What happens if you mess up? How does someone achieve mastery? What is the point of creating things? In the end, each student created something that surprised and impressed them.

Evie Fazio

Rachael Nichole Gee

Olivia Ward

Jayci Wyatt

Laney Hall

Ryan Lapin

Ryan Lapin

Middle School wrapped up their ink wash unit by creating a painting together. Each student added their favorite thing to paint:

Marco: Mountains and tree

Laney: Flowers

Evie: Tiny flowers and branches

London: Green and yellow bird

Olivia: Caterpillar and butterflies

Ryan: Orange and yellow bird

Griffon: Leaves

Rachael: Large flower

Jamal: Flying grey bird

Jayci: Dragonflies

LuKacey: Little black bird

Adrian: Red and yellow bird