Building your Portfolio

🟡 Student Council (OSIS)


NHS membership is by invitation on a selection-based process (outstanding scholarship, service, leadership and character). Please contact Ms. Ria for further inquiries.


🔴 CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)



🟧 PUSPRESNAS: Pusat Prestasi Nasional - Suitable for those who want to apply for Beasiswa Indonesia Maju scholarship


🟧 BYOU Challenge Competition - SIM

Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) will hold competition called BYOU Challenge Competition.

This competition invites students to create their DREAM UNIVERSITY through a fun and interactive virtual experience. This challenge is perfect platform for students to express themselves, bring their dreams to life and BE YOU!


This competition is opened to students from year 10-12 across Indonesia and Malaysia.


Below is the detail:

Event Name             : BYOU Challenge Competition

Participants Eligibility :

-          Students from year 10-12 across Indonesia and Malaysia

-          Individual or team of up to 3 members

-          Team members may come from different school

-          Team members may not be current student of SIM

Click here for further details.

Registration Deadline : 28 May 2023

There is no participation fee and there are attractive prizes to be won!


Here is the link for the detail and registration of the competition:


Further clarifications you may contact below PIC:

🟨 [DESIGN] - NABA Undergraduate Scholarship Competition - 2024 Cohort

NABA Boosts Your Future is an Undergraduate Scholarship Competition providing a 15% discount on the tuition fees for the Bachelor of Arts programmes starting in October 2024.


Competition is open to newly registered international students attending the eleventh grade of High School. It is available for all BA programmes: Graphic Design and Art Direction, Design, Fashion Design, Creative Technologies, Film and Animation, Set Design, Painting and Visual Arts.


The application deadline is June 30, 2023.

Click here for the Application Form and more information


For more information, please refer to: