How are you doing today? 

Before you answer this question, check inside you - 

You and your friend have been best friends since childhood. You met in year1 primary school and bonded over shared interests, similar personalities, and spending a lot of time together. Your friendship had been strong and supportive for over 10 years. However, when you enter year10, there are many new students in your school, and your friendship starts to drift apart. Then several events began to strain your relationship, triggering negative emotions in both individuals. 

If this happens to you, what would you do?  What feelings might occur?

Emotions are the physical representations of feelings that happen to all of us in our daily lives. One moment you're on top of the world, and the next, you're not so sure. It's completely normal to experience a wide range of emotions, but learning to manage them can make your ride a lot smoother. Here are some tips to manage your emotions:

Oftentimes, when we face an unexpected experience, we have mixed feelings of anger, upset, frustration, disappointment, and so on. It is important for you to name the emotions. Ask yourself, "What am I feeling?" Once you know the exact feeling, give yourself permission to feel the emotion.


Once you name and accept the feeling, you need to PAUSE to align your mind and body by focusing on your breathing. This will help you to stay calm and gain better perspectives. 


Talk about your emotions with trusted family members, friends, or a counselor. By talking it out, you can feel relief and gain another perspective that may empower you. 


Emotions can be overwhelming and can impact your sleep pattern, eating habits, and facial expressions. It's important to take care of your well-being because when you feel good, you can be much more impactful in your life! 

(Ms. Maggie)
