Coping with (academic) stress

School teaches us a lot of knowledge of how to take care of our body, especially in Science and Physical Education. For example, we learn how to feed ourselves good and healthy food, how and when to exercise, importance of sleeping well, and other knowledge. 

Taking care of our mind is just as important, however we are not always certain what to do. Don’t worry, Dr. Krause, psychologist of stem4 developed “MIND YOUR 5”  Wellbeing Programme to help you, teenagers. 


Healthy Practice : you need to apply a balanced and healthy lifestyle to look after your mind, for example : having a regular sleeping routine and balanced diet 

Activity : our brain needs to be stimulated by activities to perform better, it can either be physical activity (sport), creative activity (art, craft), soothing activity  (like mindfulness or relaxation), or an exciting activity (trying new experiences)

Positive Thinking : What we think inside our head influences our emotions and our actions. No wonder when we have negative thoughts, we will feel anxious and unhappy all day. Learning to manage how we think is very helpful to keep our mood good and to be able to enjoy the day. Just like what Albert Einstein said : 

 “A dog is a man’s best friend. When a dog looks at you, the dog is thinking what kind of person you are. The dog is not judging you. If you apply that thinking yourself, maybe you could be someone’s best friend”

Positive Emotion : Aware of the emotions that you feel, and able to express and manage it is very helpful. To practice, you can try by watching the movie, observe the emotions that brings you and after that talk with somebody who also experiences that. See what you have in common and how you differ.   

Your Connection : Knowing that we are loved and loving others is really important to make us feel happy. Dedicating the time to interact face to face with people we love can be a good impact on our mental health. Connection is not limited to people but also nature. Picnicing in the garden or taking your pet to walk outside is also good for your mind.

Try to practice at least one category everyday, and let’s see how happy we are!  

Source : 

(Ms. Hanny)









What is Anxiety?

GRADE 9: We have to know the difference between stress and anxiety, hence we can find the effective solution.  

Jin Shin Jyutsu 

GRADE 9: One of strategies to dealing with stress and anxiety, came from Japanese Ancient Healing method 

Coping Strategies

GRADE 12: Beyond High School - Coping Skills 

What is anxiety ? week 3.mp4
Jin Shin Jyutsu week 4.mp4