Hello! How are you today?

Did you get enough sleep and sunshine?

Wherever you are, I always hope you are well.

It's been a while since we came back to school. How do you feel, guys? Do you understand what the teachers are saying? Are you completing the assignments on time? How do you feel in general?

Over the weekend, I took an online workshop, and we discussed life LIFE CHOICES. Have you watched the movie "The Matrix" (1999)? This movie is famous for its' "Red Pill" and "Blue Pill", which hold a very valuable life lesson. In life, we need to make decision that shape our future.

Red Pill = Embrace Reality

Blue Pill = Embrace Comfort

Let's discuss the difference and which pill is right for you.

The Red Pill = Embrace Reality

In life, we need to face the truth, the challenges, and be responsible for things that we might make us uncomfortable. There are times when we are forced and pressured, BUT these are part of growing up.

The Blue Pill = Embrace Comfort

This is the opposite of the above. The Blue Pill represents comfort and safety; there's nothing wrong with it. It's the moment when we enjoy life and take breaks.

So which pill are you ready to take? 

Every decision will come with consequences.

Embrace everything the best possible way.

(Ms. Maggie)