🟠 No energy in the morning?

This sleepy seal was pictured at the national nature reserve on the Lincolnshire coast [HOTSPOT MEDIA]. Image from

Have you ever had this experience: waking up in the morning, feeling so lazy to do anything? Well, try these simple tips to welcome the morning with fresh eyes. These tips are taken from a recent article from the Huffington Post, written by Kate Bratskeir (2021), based on research conducted by the Standford University School of Medicine. The method is called RISE-UP. 

▶️ R: Resist the urge to hit the snooze button. Turns out, snoozing our alarm button disrupts our REM sleep which is in charge to restore our body. So, if our body is disrupted over and over, it won't restore well. So, we'll wake up tired instead of trying to get "five more minutes".

▶️ I - Increase your activity for the first hour. It doesn't need to be a heavy workout, but you can try walking for a while, opening your window while stretching, or other simple stuff to make sure your body is ready to start the day.

▶️ S - Shower (or wash your face and hands with cold water). Fun fact here: cold water makes you more alert. 

▶️ E - Expose yourself to sunlight. The sunlight can really awake our internal body (and mood, too!).

▶️ U - Upbeat music. Listen to music while moving your body. That will be a beautiful start to your morning!

▶️ P - Phone a friend. Early social contact can really wake us up and make us more alert, said the researcher of this RISE-UP method.

A fresh morning can really boost your productivity for the day. You don't have to do all the RISE-UP methods to stay fully awake. Try to do three of them and see the impact. Read more about the tips here.

(Ms. Thressye)