πŸ”΄ Do you have this "Hurry Sickness"?

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Answer these questions:

🟩 Do you feel like you're constantly rushing with time for all of your assignments?

🟧 Does your mind go here and there when you try to do one thing, making you want to always multitask?

🟨 Are you impatient when things get delayed?

🟦 Do you constantly feel behind schedule?

πŸŸͺ Do you find it hard to listen to others and want to interrupt them to get to the point fast?

🟫 Are you obsessed over ticking off your to-do list?

If you answer yes to all of those questions, looks like we need to talk about this "Hurry Sickness".Β 

A few days ago I read an interesting article about it and I suddenly thought of my own habit that likes rushing things and crossing things off of the list asap. Even though it is normal to want to get things done quickly, having an excessive urge to always do it can be damaging to our immune system as well as our mental health and productivity. A few tips summarised from the article that can be helpful to manage this tendency:

❀️ Learn to prioritize things. Everything might seem to be equally important, but actually, they're not. Be wise to prioritize which one to do first.

🧑 Set a routine. Scheduling is key here.

πŸ’š Get yourself time. Have you ever heard of the story of two men who chopped down trees? After given the axes, one of them began chopping without stopping, while the other one took time to chop and sharpening the axe. Guess which one can be more productive.

If you're not sure about your own time management skill but constantly racing with task completion, don't worry, we can help you. Contact your counsellor to work it out with you.

(Ms. Thressye)