🟢 What is Gifted & Talented (G&T)?

"Gifted and Talented" is a term to describe students who have exceptional abilities or potential in areas such as academics, creativity, leadership, and visual or performing arts. The term "Renzulli" refers to a model of giftedness developed by Joseph Renzulli, which focuses on the interaction between three factors: above-average ability (academic or non academic), high levels of creativity, and task commitment. The Renzulli model suggests that giftedness is not only determined by innate ability, but also by environmental factors such as opportunity, resources, and motivation.

The Renzulli Three-Ring Conception is a model that explains how giftedness and talent develop. There are three important factors that contribute to this development:

● Moderate gifted = IQ 130 – 140

● Highly gifted = IQ 140 -150

● Genius = IQ > 150

Giftedness and talent emerge when these three factors interact with each other. Note: There is a significant group of high achievers whose attainment is within the top cohort of the ability range in their peer/grade level, but who are not considered to be gifted.

🟢 G&T Procedure






NHS membership is by invitation on a selection-based process (outstanding scholarship, service, leadership and character). Please contact Ms. Ria for further inquiries.