As a school community, we believe that when we have more supportive friends, our life will be much brighter, and together we can do anything. Therefore, we say NO to bullying in our school community. 

Starting in 2019, the OSIS team, collaborating with the counseling department, conducted a series of Break and Lunch-time concert, to raise awareness of anti-bullying. We welcomed students and teachers to sing or perform in the canteen, raising the awareness of good friendship and anti-bullying. The OSIS also managed to fundraise and donate it to one of the Anti-Bullying foundations in Indonesia. The OSIS distributed a ribbon to each student as a sign of our anti-bullying attitude as a student.

We then had an Anti-Bullying seminar following the concert event. Then in term four (May), we celebrated International Anti-Bullying Day, where each grade level conducted its own campaign of anti-bullying.

Anti Bullying Act 2019-2020 was a project for high school students to raise the awareness that all people deserve to be happy, and develop their self esteem. 

Anti-Bullying Poster.pdf