Personal Reflection | 15 minutes

How do we strive to build culturally responsive developmental relationships? One way is to start by reflecting on your own experiences- who in your life truly made an effort to know you for who you are? What did they do that made you feel good and proud about your culture and who you are? This resource guides you through reflecting what culturally responsive relationships means to you. Click here to download this page as a PDF.

An example strategy box


1. Reflect on Expressing Care

Think about times when someone demonstrated that your culture/background mattered to them in the learning process. List 3-4 examples.

2. Reflect on Providing Support

Think about times when someone helped you reach your goals by leveraging what you already know and your cultural knowledge. List 3-4 examples.

3. Reflect on Challenging Growth

Think about times when someone helped you become your best self and/or better than what you thought possible. List 3-4 examples.

4. Reflect on Expanding Possibilities

Think about times when someone helped you imagine possibilities beyond what you knew existed. List 3-4 examples.

5. Reflect on Sharing Power

Think about times when someone showed genuine respect to you and your culture and let you lead the learning process. List 3-4 examples.

6. Apply Reflections to Your Context

Look at the actions you've listed and check the ones that are transferable to your interactions with your students. Then take some time reflecting on how you might apply these actions within math learning. List 3-4 examples.

Tips and Tricks

Going Deeper. This resource is adapted from the MENTOR (The National Mentoring Partnership) Relationship Strategy Box exercise.