The DR+Math Toolkit turns decades of research into strategies and activities you can use to build developmental and culturally responsive relationships with young people.

Relationships are essential to thriving and math learning. Students experience increased motivation to learn and can more easily navigate challenges when learning alongside educators with whom they have meaningful relationships.

The DR+Math Toolkit is designed to support and empower you as a math educator to support and empower your students. Building off the great work that you are already doing, this Toolkit introduces the Developmental Relationships in Math Framework and offers practical, research-driven strategies that help you build intentional and inclusive relationships during math learning.

Who is this for?

You! This DR+Math Toolkit is designed for math teachers, tutors, tutoring program leaders, and other educators who are part of a math learning environment.

Where should I start?

There’s no wrong way to use this Toolkit! If you are not familiar with the Developmental Relationships in Math (DR+Math) Framework, we recommend you start here. Then, take the DR+Math check-up to find out which elements you are already doing well and which elements might be areas to focus on.

You can also go straight to the element pages—
Express Care, Provide Support, Challenge Growth, Share Power, and Expand Possibilities. Finally, we also have additional resources if you would like to Go Deeper.

What can I learn?

The DR+Math Toolkit provides research on Developmental Relationships and allows you to apply important learning directly to your context through activities and resources.

What you learn and how deep you go into the research is up to you. We encourage you to start with the Developmental Relationship elements that are most applicable to you.