Shreyash Bharmal

A child named Rahim after his family's death was taken into the grand palace of the Sultan. It was within the confines of the palace that he was castrated, a practice carried out to ensure the loyalty and dedication of the eunuchs who served the court.

Rahim was being educated to read and write in different languages. As he adjusted to his new life as a eunuch, he came across a courtier poet in the palace where he experienced a poem for the first time. Fascinated by that experience Rahim began attempting to compose poems in his mind. He dedicated himself to perfecting this art, finding solace and expression in the written word. Rahim's verses spoke of love, longing, and the complexities of the human experience, drawing inspiration from the struggles he witnessed within the Sultan's court.

Word of Rahim's poetic talent soon spread throughout the palace, reaching the ears of the Sultan himself. Intrigued, the Sultan summoned Rahim to his court, eager to witness the prowess of this gifted eunuch poet. With a bit of nervousness Rahim stepped before the Sultan, reciting his verses.

The Sultan, known for his discerning taste and appreciation for art, was moved by Rahim's words. He recognized the depth of emotion and wisdom contained within each line, and he saw in Rahim a rare talent.

From that day forward, Rahim became an esteemed poet in the Sultan's court. His verses touch the hearts of courtiers and nobles alike. Rahim's poetry became a bridge between the rulers and the common people, expressing  emotions that bound them all.