Anushri Jhaveri

In the ancient Vedic period, Annika, a Buddhist nun, engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Arjun, a gay man living in the 21st century who is travelling across the passage of time. As they shared their perspectives, they discovered both the positives and negatives of their respective times, as well as their shared struggles and aspirations.

Annika began by acknowledging that the Vedic age, often romanticized as a golden era for women, still imposed numerous social expectations on them. Women were allowed to take part in chariot races along with men. They were also permitted to perform rituals alongside men. While women were permitted to attend sabhas, they faced a myriad of rules compared to men. This disparity revealed a gender bias that limited the freedom and agency of women. Annika also expressed her observation that although the Aaryas worshipped goddesses, the Rigveda, their sacred text, contained minimal mentions of these revered female deities. This discrepancy highlighted a contradiction between the idealized reverence for goddesses and the lack of substantial recognition in the religious scriptures. Furthermore, she noted the discrimination based on gender, varna (social class), and jati (caste) present in the Rigveda, where the Shudras were assigned crucial yet demeaning tasks.

Arjun resonated with Annika's sentiments, expressing admiration for the strength exhibited by women throughout history in challenging societal boundaries and advocating for their rights and equality. Drawing parallels with his own experiences as a gay man in the 21st century, Arjun shared instances of being shamed and humiliated due to his sexual preferences. Despite the progress society had made, he recognized deep-rooted biases such as unequal pay, societal judgment, and the struggle to be accepted as equals. These biases served as reminders that even in modern times, there is a pressing need to overcome such challenges and create a more inclusive society.

Through their conversation, Annika and Arjun realized the importance of providing a space or community where individuals from diverse backgrounds, genders, and orientations can openly discuss their issues and concerns. Inspired by this vision, they decided to establish a sanctuary that rejected the notion of confining one's identity within rigid boundaries. Their sanctuary became a refuge for individuals seeking acceptance, understanding, and dialogue. By fostering an environment that embraced diversity and celebrated shared experiences, Annika and Arjun hoped to facilitate meaningful connections and collectively address the social, cultural, and personal obstacles faced by individuals in their respective times.