Shravani Patil

The story unfolds through a series of interconnected panels, where Meera, a young woman of noble birth, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. As she yearns for freedom and self-expression, Meera stumbles upon a hidden chamber in her family's mansion. There, she encounters raghav, a khwaja sara, who becomes her guide and mentor.

Through their dialogues, the graphic novel delves into the lives of historical figures like Raja Jai Singh, a nobleman who faced discrimination due to his non-normative gender expression, and Zafar, a courtesan who challenged societal conventions of love and desire. Meera listens intently as Aisha hoshares their stories, offering insights into their struggles, triumphs, and the complex interplay between societal expectations and personal freedom.

As the narrative progresses, Meera finds inspiration in these untold tales and embarks on her own journey of self-expression. She learns to wield a paintbrush and creates stunning works of art that reflect her own truth

The graphic novel explores themes of identity, resilience, and the power of storytelling. It sheds light on the historical gaps in documenting the experiences of marginalized communities and strives to fill those gaps with imaginative narratives that respect the cultural context of the Mughal era.