Ananya Khandagale

This is a tale of two ordinary wives, Kuloma and saroz residing in the haram. As time passes they discover a deep affection for one another while simultaneously plotting against the tryannical ruler, Abdul ul-kazi.

Their narrative reaches an end when Khwaja Sara inadvertently overhears their conversation regarding the demise of the king, consequently abdul - ul kazi condemns kuluma and saroz to their untimely deaths. During their final moments together, they exchange letters as gestures and symbol of their undying love for each other.

In the later 19th century, european historians considered harem to be a powerless place for woman. The plot above breaks this conception for an attack on the king was never expected from a woman. Along with the conspiracy against the king this plot puts light on the love and affection shared between women inside the harem.

Dear Kuluma,

Dear Kuluma,

Don't let the bitterness of this demise,

 overpower your teeming heart of love.

I will seek you in another realm, 

for my lover you will always be.

Dear Saroz,

Dear Saroz,

O' love, may you think of how I fondled you,

When knives touch your tender neck.

my kiss to comfort you,

In my heart you'll always live.