The Cultural Perception

The region marks three major categories of institutes -

  1. Residential

  2. Administrative

  3. Educational - Sangeet Mahabharti Vidyalaya. This rich cultural space holds activities that are not accessible to immediate neighbourhood.

The Irla Nallah Development Scheme only caters to a limited audience while there is variety of audience available in and around the region.

Question : What can be reconsidered to make this area approachable by the surrounding community and redefine the space such that it can question the architecture of a cultural space in the neighbourhood of an administrative and residential region ?

If increase in gathering of people increases the dependency on the resources then, how can the site collect and regenerate water for itself ?

Site Plan :

Program with Areas :

  1. Amphitheatre - 124 sq. m.

  2. Workshop - 68 sq. m.

  3. Exhibition - 54 sq. m.

  4. Administration Office - 65 sq. m.

  5. Public Toilets - 55 sq. m.

  6. Canteen - 50 sq. m.

  7. Sitting Spaces - 151 sq. m.

  8. Garden - 42 sq. m.

Conceptual Ideas :

Design :

Cut plan

Section :

System Diagram :

Spatial Views :

Structural Details :