The De-compose

Design Argument / Design Intent

How can architecture respond to ‘time’ through the lens of decomposition?

The Site

Our site consist of exsisiting settlements like:

  1. Garages

  2. Offices

  3. Water tanks

  4. Parking space

  5. Garden

Site plan

Site Section

Site Photos

Conceptual Sketches and Iterations

Developing iterations were the base is delayered and space is expanded by adding verandas for workshops and arches for resting space with perforated walls to preserve light.

Developing iterations were the base is delayered and space is expanded by adding verandas for workshops and arches for resting space with perforated walls to preserve light.

The space decomposes in certain language it is nealty killed ,exposed and brought to peace later it is tore apart by organism and stiched again smoothly. It sounds brutal but sometimes it comes out beautifull. Almost same process was implied while designing the stage from time to perfome. The platforms where seperated by verandas and given different heights.

The De-compose

This finall design serves for working spaces with four resting space below them are water tanks and a garage. The design submits to trail with the time and experiencing nature. There is parking space for repair cars provided.


underground water tanks - 73050 l x 4 = 292050 l

overhead water tank - 72000 l

workspace - 23 sq.m x 4 = 92 sq.m

garage - 207.1 sq.m

Model plan

Model cut plan

Model Elevation

Model exploded view


The site has certain requirements and certain points that may help it to live rather then survive. There is a big ground in middle of the site which is used for pariking cars except they aren't used for it and there are few cars which are parked at the boundaries and are left for several years. There is lot of movement happening at the south wall where there are offices and utility facilities.

Site Model

The De-compose experience