Circular Food Economy and its Architecture


The customers of the local eateries occupy the footpath for eating which restricts pedestrian movement there, the cooking and eating conditions of the eateries there have been compromised due to a lack of space.

Design Question:

How can the architecture of eating and growing food help in blurring the existing landscape to create a common, communal experience?

Site Demarcation:

Site: JVPD, Juhu

Existing Site Model:


Existing Site Section:

Existing Eateries Plan:

Site Analysis:

Patch of wilderness adjacent to the eateries

Concretised walkways on either side of the nalla

Eating/Cooking conditions of the eateries


  • Community Dining Spaces - 98 sq.m

  • Community Kitchens - 173 sq.m

  • Reed Bed System

  • Nurseries - 48 sq.m (closed)

  • Workshop Space

  • Admin Office - 4 sq.m

  • Storage Unit - 1.8 sq.m

  • Toilets - 40.6 sq.m

Conceptual Ideas:

Design Iterations:

Site Plan with Intervention:

Intervention Zoning:

Design Sections:

System Diagrams:

Spatial Views:

Structural Details: