Career support

The Counseling Department's goal is to ensure students feel prepared and confident to enter the world of work. We have developed a comprehensive 4-year plan to guide students through the career exploration process. Each year, a theme (learn, discover, explore, and launch) focuses students on tasks that will best prepare them for life after high school. Additionally, check out the SDUHSD College & Career Scope and Sequence. 


Who am I?

Learn about personal interests and strengths by completing the Interest Profiler

Learn about possible careers related to interests

Learn about your learning style 

Learn about Torrey Pines High School Career Technical Education Program


What are my interests?

Discover your personality and preferences by completing the Career Aptitude Test

Discover different career pathways by completing the Career Interest Profiler assessment and researching careers in Thrively.

Discover growing industries by participating in mini career fairs, field trips, and informational sessions

Discover the different Career Pathway Plans offered through the TPHS CTE Program


What are my options?

Explore career options related to work interests by researching careers using The Career Search Tool and Thrively

Explore results from the Interest Profiler (9th grade) and Career Aptitude Test (10th grade) to make connections, find patterns, and narrow down career pathways of interest

Explore traditional versus non-traditional careers

Explore internship, work experience, and service learning opportunities


How do I prepare for life after high school?

Prepare and launch a post-secondary high school plan

Prepare a professional resume

Prepare for college and/or job interviews

Prepare to successfully complete internship, work experience, and community service opportunities