Meet the Troupe

Welcome to The Club!

With over 50 inducted members, five class options, and a flood of new faces entering every semester, it might feel hard to find your place in SDA's theatre. However, when you talk to someone who spends a lot of time in the theater, you can see how many have taken to calling it their home. See their stories below.

"My SDA theatre experience hasn't been at all what I expected, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I've learned so much from Ms Siers, David, and of course all of my amazing friends and peers. Being a part of this program not only enhanced my abilities as a performer, but has sparked a love for working behind the scenes on various technical crews. I'm looking forward to my final year in this program and making the most of it with the most amazing people and mentors."

- Isabella Thierry '22

I’ve been a part of the theatre program since freshman year. I’ve met most of my friends here and have definitely created so many memories that will last a lifetime. When I came to SDA I never anticipated directing plays and then writing a whole show but I could never be more grateful for it. This theater is like a second home and you can truly feel the love it holds when you walk in. "

- Hailey Armentrout '23

Community is such an important thing to me and theatre is the perfect place to find that. Everyone is so awesome and welcoming and even after such a weird first year with COVID-19 when I was a freshman I still felt that sense of belonging in the theatre. Drama allows for a safe place to get out of your comfort zone and explore characters so unlike yourself, and it makes for incredible friendships because almost everyone is just as weird as you!"

- Bryn McCarren '24

I have been involved in the theatre for as long as I can remember but it was always separate from my school life. When I started at SDA, this was one of the biggest changes that I noticed because suddenly my school friends and my theatre friends were both in my Acting 1 class. One of my favorite aspects of the theater is that there truly is a place for everyone. Being involved in SDA theater has exposed me to a wonderful community. The thespian meetings are always a blast, and even when you are not directly involved in a show it is always just as exciting to go and support your friends."

- Sophia Funicello '23

"The theater program at SDA is such a wonderful place. My freshman year I was the only freshman in the musical which made me very nervous about trying to make friends, but everyone was so open and kind that I ended up making a ton of really great friends. I do a lot of theater outside of school, but nothing tops the environment at SDA."

- Brandon Feffer '22

"I have met some of the best people I’ve ever known in the SDA Theatre. It’s so amazing to have a place where I can fully be myself and have so many people supporting me! I love all of our weird theatre traditions, too! I never thought I would want to be a technician before I came to SDA, but now I live doing props more than acting! I am so grateful to this theatre for giving me a safe and happy space to enjoy every day of high school :) "

- Ella Darlington '22

"When I came in as a freshman, I thought, 'Wow. Who am I gonna hang out with?' and I found these delightfully weird people who are just themselves, and it makes me want to be genuinely myself as well. I think in high school it’s essential to have some good role models and people who inspire you and who you learn from, and I think for me, I definitely found those people in thespians."

- Ellery Bolton '21