
November 14, 2023 

Hello Thespians! What an eventful and packed semester we’ve had so far. We’ve been hard at work on so many productions and activities, so let’s take a minute to think back on some of them! 

In October, we wrapped up our fall show, Puffs, a Harry Potter parody with a combined cast and crew of around 60 students! With over one hundred costumes, dozens and dozens of handmade props, and lighting setups to represent everything from house sortings to dementor attacks, our technical teams worked tirelessly to create such a magical and enchanting show. Our actors each had between one and five roles in this production, meaning that they had to develop and master multiple personalities in order for this show to truly come to life. Everybody put in so much hard work to bring a certain school for male magic and female magic from England to right here in our Clayton E. Liggett stage. 

And then, just a few weeks ago, our Advanced Drama Honors class finished their production of Emma, a modern adaptation of the Jane Austen classic. It was no easy task for we teens of today to learn multiple ballroom dances or the proper way to curtsey, but by wholeheartedly embracing the historical atmosphere and adding in dashes of romance and humor, the lovely atmosphere of a bygone era was created. Audience members enjoyed some interactive scenes such as Knightly’s distribution of berry picking party invitations. It was a beautiful show, and certainly one to remember!

Coming up, the Original One Act Festival will be put on by the Acting One class on December 7th. Students have been working to write original short plays that their classmates will then produce, direct, and act in. It’s sure to be a creative and impressive show, so don’t miss it! 

Another show coming up before year-end: the Advanced Drama Honors class will be taking their children's show, Miss Electricity, on tour to several local elementary schools, in addition to staging two performances at SDA (for you family and friends to come watch)! Show dates are December 14-15. 

As busy as we’ve been with our many productions, don’t worry — we’ve also found time to host some fun events and activities! We started the school year off with a fantastic bonfire at Moonlight Beach, enjoying a potluck-style meal and of course lots of s’mores! To celebrate Puffs, we hosted a Harry Potter movie night complete with “butterbeer” (nonalcoholic, of course) and sorting hat cupcakes. In similar fashion, we had an Emma activity day with dainty finger sandwiches and teacakes, and we watched the movie, Clueless, as it’s based on Emma! 

Just today, we’re hosting our annual Thespigiving, our annual Thanksgiving-themed potluck where we reflect on all the fun that has transpired thus far in the semester. This year, our event is in collaboration with Comedy Sportz – double the fun! 

So yes! We’ve had a memorable few months of great Thespian activities and we all look forward to more excitement (stay tuned for potential holiday cookie decorating and gift exchanges…) 

Thanks, Thespians! Have a great rest of the semester and remember to come to Tuesday’s meeting! 

Written by Ava Welcher

May 23, 2023

Well, well, well, Thespians! Much has happened in our very own Clayton E. Liggett since the last blog update, including the closing of TWO shows!

We said goodbye to Bikini Bottom at the end of April after a great run of The Spongebob Musical! After a fantastic… three opening nights… (Opening night one: invited dress rehearsal. Opening Night Two: sneak peek. Opening Night Three: actual real opening night. It’s a bit confusing…) we continued for the next two weeks with the bright lights and under-the-sea sounds that made up the show! From the Case of the Missing Sponges to the chaos of the Super Sea Star quick changes, it was a show to remember. Our three finales wowed the audience, too… (Finale one: Best Day Ever. Finale two: Bikini Bottom Day Reprise. Finale three: Bows Theme Song.) It seems that things come in three in this show. Audience members were generous with praise (praise pink!) on cast members’ voices, the intricate choreography, and especially the ladder movements that made Mt. Humongous come to life. (Honorable mention: Sandy’s accent and exactly how she developed it!) 

And the Spongebob legacy lives on through the Broadway San Diego Awards! Keegan McGowan (Spongebob) and Kai Tesan (Patrick Star) were both selected for the BSDA Top 20 – very exciting! 

At Spongebob strike, our under-the-sea shipwreck was transformed into a medieval-castle-meets-chess-board for Drama Production’s The Queen’s Guard. A complex show filled with adventure, romance, humor, and combat was not one to miss. Though many actors had to juggle portraying multiple characters, every member of the cast and crew did a phenomenal job bringing the show to life! And it was made complete with a lovely assortment of horse noises, notably. 

Both the Spongebob and Queen’s Guard closing nights were wrapped up with our traditional Rose Ceremony, where we honor our technicians by giving them a speech and a rose! After all, our shows are student produced, from the sets to the costumes to the lights and everything in between, and we are so grateful for all of the hard work by our beloved techies! Speech after speech, rose after rose, and shed tear after shed tear piled up. (I, for one, cried quite a bit at both of the ceremonies.) Some dedications were hilarious, others heartbreaking. Ultimately, we note only honored our techies, but, to several, said goodbye. Said thank you.

The year is almost over, yes, but it’s not done yet! Mark your calenders, folks: May 30th is our official Thespian Banquet, a night of awards, yearly rewinds, and celebrations. Fill out the Evite now! We can’t wait to see you there and to reminisce on what has certainly been a year to remember. 

Written by Ava Welcher

The cast and crew of Spongebob!

Super Seastar Savior

Queen's Guard rose ceremony!

March 23, 2023.

Welcome back, Thespians! Our period of blog inactivity has ended since both our Spring Musical and Drama Production shows are well underway! 

First, let’s talk about the past few months! We partnered with the Music Department for our annual Cabaret Night, a prepared talent show of sorts comprised of various songs and scenes! Emcees Hailey Armentrout and Molly Garot dazzled the crowd with jokes and stories, and still get recognized in public by eager parents and their embarrassed student! We started the night with a group number from Mean Girls but with a personal Thespian spin, and our closing number was a combined Into the Woods medley with beautiful live instrumentals, enchanting vocals, and Siers’ outstanding choreography! 

In troop news, we’ve had a fun second semester thus far! Just a few weekends ago, we hosted Thespian Laser Tag – the red team versus the blue team – Thespian versus Thespian – who will come out on top? (Usually it was the seven year old stranger who somehow snuck into the playing room with us…) 

We’ve also made friends! Our Thespian troop partnered with the Spanish National Honor Society and with the Robotics Team (separately) for crossover meetings or tour events, drawing parallels between our groups. 

The green room renovations are also in progress! Your officers have been hard at work ordering appliances, building furniture, sticking up wall decals, taking down said wall decals, painting said wall decals, and, possibly most notably, transporting boatloads of to-be-discarded books into the trunk of Hailey’s car using towels when our cardboard box broke. It was not a glamorous time. But the green room is sure to be glamorous looking once we wrap up our renovation! 

And now, what you’re all really here for: our current productions! 

We are in the weeds of tech week for the Spongebob Musical, so I suppose it would be more fitting to say we’re in the seaweeds of tech week! (Please laugh. I try.) A wild spectacular of bright colors, dazzling costumes, and songs written by some of your favorite artists (including Cyndi Lauper, Panic! At the Disco, the Plain White T’s, and John Legend), there are still tickets available and it’s not a production to miss! Mila Ellis (Mrs. Puff, ‘24) says that her favorite part of the production thus far has been “rehearsing the wild dances in the lobby” – and I can confirm – the dances are truly wild! With tap numbers and flips and intricate movements, it’s not been easy, but it’ll sure be impressive. Mary Grenda (ASM, ‘25) enjoys helping the construction team build the set, a colorful shipwreck with a working porthole and soon-to-be-installed ladder. We even have our own Mt. Humongous, which lives up to its name – it really is humongous! Don’t miss your chance to see Spongebob, Sandy, and Patrick convince a town of sea creatures to leave it up to a sponge, squirrel, and seastar to prevent their town from being blown into oblivion – you’d trust them, right? 

Later in our season comes the Queen’s Guard, our Drama Production show! Taking place in the 1600s, scarlet fever riddled sisters recover by letting their imaginations run free when given a chess board. We follow a group of playing pieces and their journey to save their new king. It’s a show that both entertains and makes you think! Taylor Rohrbaugh (Frances/Publicity Manager, ‘25) particularly loves getting to spend time with her friends as they prepare for the show. Fun fact – a majority of the cast are sophomores, so it’s a great opportunity to watch our up-and-coming underclassmen sparkle on stage! We can’t wait to see where they go! Stay tuned for information on ticket sales. 

Well, thanks for reading to the bottom! We hope to see you in or at our upcoming productions and end-of-year banquet! The year is wrapping up, but we still have lots of fun in store! Keep dazzling, Thespians! 

Written by Ava Welcher

Cabaret night performers!

Thespians at Laser Tag

Our cardboard box of books </3

Spongebob in progress

December 16, 2022.

As the semester draws to a close, there’s no better time than now to recap the last few months! Our Fall After School Show, The Play That Goes Wrong, was a huge success. After selling out of closing night tickets within just FOUR minutes, we added an extra show and eagerly anticipated opening the play. The audience loved watching the prop mishaps, falling walls, and sound effect errors. The fights between characters Sandra and Annie were met with roaring laughter and applause, and gasps when Sandra threw a glass vase at Annie’s head! (Inside secret: it was made of sugar glass, so it was completely safe on set, but was so fragile that part of the vase broke off just before closing night!) For a show meant to go so wrong, it went remarkably right and we left with amazing memories. 

But just fourteen days later, our theater space transformed from a 1920s manor house to a time-fluid nursery, paralleling nostalgic scenes of Neverland, for Advanced Drama Honors’ Lost Girl. With such a poetic script, a lot of creativity was left up to the technical designers. Between elegant costumes, personal childhood props, and the difficult lighting task of making ‘time fragment into a million pieces’ and ‘an atmosphere of glass,’ Lost Girl was no easy endeavor, but with energetic audiences and amazing feedback, as we took our final bow on closing night, we were all proud of what we’d achieved. 

About a month later, it was Acting One’s turn for their Original One Act Festival, original plays written, produced, and acted in by our beginning acting students. From hilariously written romantic mix-ups to an airline debacle, literal star-crossed lovers on a small-town farm to pun-filled detectives bickering about the body, the shows were impressive and entertaining. We have a lot of rising stars in Acting One this year! 

We’ve been busy with shows, clearly, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have time for other fun! We enjoyed a Noises Off movie night in celebration of TPTGW (and even got a complimentary mariachi band performance down the street), as well as a holiday cookie decorating party just this month! Dozens of Thespians came out to Thespi-giving, where we shared what we were grateful for over mac and cheese and apple pie. The general consensus was that we’re grateful for each other and our amazing Thespians community! Our club also hosted a Homeroom Olympics Can drive, where SDA homerooms collectively donated over 200 cans! Speaking of Homeroom Olympics, our very own Theatre Homeroom won the Fashion Show event, where we dressed up as the Peanuts characters, which also happened to be the Thespian Officer Halloween costume this year! (Siers made an excellent Snoopy.) Now, we’re in first place for Homeroom Olympics! Additionally, your Thespian Officers have been hard at work renovating our green room… 

We’ve achieved so much this semester! Our shows have been amazing and our events have reached so many people. We can’t wait to see all that our talented Thespians achieve in the second half of the school year. Have a safe and happy Winter Break! We’ll see you next semester for Musical and Drama Production! 

Written by Ava Welcher

Thespian officer Halloween costume

The lost boys 


The Original One Act Festival

Cookie decorating in December!

September 16, 2022.

Thespians has a blog now?!?! Yes. 

It has been exactly 31 days since the first day of the school year. That’s 23 days of theater (excluding weekends and Memorial Day)... BUT if you take our Tech Saturdays and countless hours of after school rehearsals into consideration, that number increases rather significantly. Needless to say, our theater season has flung into full swing, between our Fall After School Production The Play That Goes Wrong and Advanced Drama Honors’ Lost Girl

With a cast and crew totalling over sixty students, The Play That Goes Wrong is currently going rather right. (Fingers crossed it stays that way…) Set Construction and Scenic Charge students have been hard at work creating a most beautiful set, complete with a stunning painted tree scene, but the biggest task at hand is making it all safely fall down for the show! (Stay tuned for updates on that front!) The Props crew had a meeting with the Props Room Ghost, gorgeous makeup renderings hang in our dressing rooms, costume pieces starting to fill the racks, lights on the grid, headshots taken, and actors’ rehearsals are often accompanied by perfectly-timed sound effects! On the actor front, we are right on track perfecting hilarious scenes, sidesplitting monologues, and making sure we do right what must go wrong. (Rightly perform all the intended wrongs? Deliver the wrongs right? It doesn’t make sense in any sentence, but you know what I mean.) We were even interrupted by a set of blaring fire alarms (which were accompanied by some melodies from band when we gathered outside. If anybody knows that one saxophone player, tell them we say hi.) 

Did you hear? Did you know? About Lost Girl? The Advanced Drama Honors production, a Peter Pan story following Wendy’s journey post-Neverland. A poetic, TIME FLUID piece, we have spent many class periods delving into the characters, our visions, and different variations of how to deliver the line, ‘Neverland.’ (I still vote for harmonizing, even though it’s not really an option anymore.) With a band of diverse characters, portrayed by our very talented actors, and alongside our sure-to-be showstoppingly impressive technical elements, Lost Girl is certain to be a unique, beautiful show. 

But rehearsals aren’t all we’ve been up to! The Thespian Troupe gathered at Moonlight Beach for our annual Bonfire, although we didn’t get an actual fire pit, and had to make due with raw s’mores and a failed attempt at sparklers. All that aside, it was a successful event and lots of fun! More events and activities are in the works, so make sure to remain up to date. 

That’s all for right now, but stay tuned for updates, come to the thespian meeting, and have a great day! 

Written by Ava Welcher

Tuesday meeting!

Bonfire and the fight against the wind

Our chair in the wild!

Lost Girl rehearsal