Impacts of Climate Change

The 2018 cohort high in the glaciated terrain of the Sierra Guadarama investigating the impacts of climate change on the landscape

About the Experience

The NEW Summer 2020 Cohort

On 24 May 2020, a group of 15 students from San Diego State University will meet around the statue of Cervantes in Alcala de Henares. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, the summer 2020 program was canceled. We hope to offer this experience in summer 2021. Please check back for status updates.

The Fall 2020 Virtual Experience

As the spring outbreak of the COVID-19 virus caused SDSU to suspend all study abroad programs, I decided to offer the SCI596 course as a virtual experience. While learning online is not a replacement for a study abroad experience, I am trying to supply content and activities that showcase the impacts of climate on locations across the globe through leveraging my research collaboration network.

The course will use a Ted-talk and town hall format. Researchers will present a synopsis of their research and how it is related to landscape, society and ecology responses to change in climate. After the presentation, each research will sit for an interview about their experiences, views of climate processes and how their society is addressing concerns related to climate variability. Finally, the class will have a discussion about the presentation, interview and supporting readings.

Dr Gontz's Presentation

Dr Gontz talks about his research into how lakes respond to changes in climate based on work conducted on North Stradbroke Island, New Zealand

Dr Lorrey's Presentation

Dr Lorrey talks about his research into receding snowlines in New Zealand and how climate changes is driving the response of glaciers as well as the trends over the past decade

Dr Bova's Presentation

Dr Bova talks about her research using deep sea sediments as a proxy to understand change to the icefields of Patagonia. She goes on to relate the changes to global climate cycles