
Arts Alive Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teaching Program - SCI 596 & ART 400

The SDSU Arts Alive Program has selected Dr Allen Gontz and Kim Stringfellow to develop an interdisciplinary course collaboration that focuses on the intersection and interplay between the photographic arts and climate/environmental change.

SCI596 was developed in 2013 by Drs Alan Sweedler, Nancy Marlin and Stanley Maloy through a partnership with the University of Alcala de Henares, Spain. Dr Gontz began as the primary instructor in 2018. The course seeks to provide with an international perspective on how landscapes and societies respond to and are impacted by changes to climate. In Fall 2020 the course will be taught as an internationally-focused course with a Ted talk and town hall format with content from my international research collaborators. We are looking forward to when this course can be offered as a true study abroad course in the future.

GEOL514 is a process-based class primarily taught by Dr Thomas Rockwell with Dr Allen Gontz providing key content on several geomophic environments. The course seeks to provide students with an understanding of how the surface of the Earth changes over time based on various processes and forcings.

GEOL600 - Seminar in Global Climate

GEOL600 is a graduate level seminar course designed to support all SDSU graduate students with an interest in earth-climate interactions. The course will rely heavily on external readings and discussions to facilitate a student interest-based approach to learning. Supporting lectures will be provided by my research colleagues from across the globe to provide context. GEOL 600 will be offered for the first time in Spring 2021.