Outdoor Classroom

The third-grade EAST students decided Turnbow needed an Outdoor Classroom because of COVID-19. They have collaborated with Mrs. Rollins a local gardener via Zoom. They have created a task analysis of the steps they need to complete the project. The students created a Google Form to survey the teachers to help with the activities and seating. The team researched outdoor classroom ideas on the internet and shared Google Docs with links with team members. Next, they made a poster with their ideas. Now the students are learning how to use Sketch-up to design several classrooms for approval from our principal. They are also researching grant opportunities. To raise money, they sold stuffed animals for Valentine's Day. Each animal was personalized with student's names using a Cricut. Their profit was $641.00. The Gifted and Talented Program will partner EAST students to create the outdoor space.

Space where the Outdoor Classroom will be.

Students worked in groups deciding on what needed to be done. The everyone got together and put the steps in order needed to complete the project.

Students created a Google Survey and sent it to the teachers. They wanted to know what the teachers wanted in the Outdoor Classroom space. The EAST students will also create one for students. Click on link below to see the survey.

Students collaborating on ideas and researching for the space.