
Expectations for Music Class

Take care of themselves by:

Act and interact with others in a kind, respectful way by:

Keep their space clean, welcoming, and easy to move in by:

Show that they are willing to do their best work by:

Classroom Procedures

Entering the classroom

1. Wait at the door until Ms. Durst opens it.

2. Walk directly to your assigned seat.

The bell rings

At the beginning of class, you should be seated and complete your bellringer. 


For an announcement, you should stop all conversation and listen to the message.


At the end of class, wait until you are dismissed. Once you are dismissed, walk calmly out of the classroom.

Using the washroom

1. Raise your hand or come up to Ms. Durst to ask if you can go to the washroom. Please do not ask while Ms. Durst is presenting a new activity unless it is an emergency.

2. Take Hall pass by the door.

Seeing the nurse

1. Raise your hand and ask Ms. Durst if you can see the nurse.

2. Ms. Durst will give you a pass.


Using the instruments

1. Wait until you are called upon to get an instrument.

2. Treat each instrument with care and respect. They are fragile and allow us to make great music!

3. Pay attention to the quiet signal to stop playing.

4. Do not begin playing your instrument until you are told to do so.

5. Carefully put your instrument back in its place when told to do so.

Seeing one of the quiet signals

Stop what you are doing and look at Ms. Durst and follow directions.

Music Class Tiered Consequences

Music Class Consequences:

These are the consequences for choosing not to follow music class expectations: