
What is inquiry? In my own words, an inquiry-based approach to teaching is following the natural curiosity that children have and channelling it to teach skills necessary to support life long learning. Using interest-based, student-led activities we teach questioning (a fine art, I can tell you), research skills, reading comprehension, critical thinking, organization and how important it is to be curious!! Below, you will see examples of simple projects, a "step by step plan" (spoiler alert: inquiry NEVER goes as planned), links to awesome inquiry websites, and some ideas for giving it a shot at home.

Heritage Fair example

Here is an example of the recent Heritage Fair project done collaboratively between M. Makuch, Ms. Chisholm and Mme Drolet's classes. We looked at how much Deep Cove has changed!

Take this as a loose example of a plan. Inquiry is messy and you are very likely to head off on several tangents. Don't be afraid to circle back and change your direction many times.

Inquiry in action!

After seeing 7 owls in Horth Hill one day, my children and I had lots of questions about owls. To the left is our process and below you will find our "final product."

Owls for DC

My inspiration:

Here are some articles and people I go to for inspiration:

Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt is incredible!! She teaches FI Kindergarten in Victoria and is the co-author of Inquiry Mindset (with fellow Victoria teacher, Trevor Makenzie). Explore her blog to the fullest! A true inspiration.

Your turn!

What do you wonder about? Curiosity breeds curiosity. If parents model inquisition, their kids will follow!! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What are some local animals?

  • What lives in the Saalish sea?

  • What local plants are edible?

  • What is our family's history?

  • Where did the dinosaurs go?

  • What is in space?

  • How does the Earth change over time?

  • What is the human impact on the Earth?

  • Why are insects important?

  • Are spiders really necessary?

What interests you?? What do YOU want to learn about? When you find out, I would love to see your learning! Below, click on the button for a simple inquiry template. Feel free to copy and modify to fit your needs.