
7th Grade U.S. History 2023/24

Ms. Storer (Room 305)

Team Equinox 

Email: kristine.storer@sd5.k12.mt.us

Phone: 406-751-3800



7th Social Studies gives students a broad understanding of the first Native American inhabitants of the North American continent, European exploration, the founding of the United States of America, and U.S. history through the Civil War and Reconstruction. 

Topics to be covered:


Classroom Expectations: 

 Discipline issues will be handled according to the KMS handbook


All classroom lessons and activities are accessible on Google Classroom.

Formative assessments:

Summative assessments:



Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions that you may have. I will be in the classroom from 7:30-3:30, Monday through Friday. Email is the quickest way to reach me. If you would like to talk on the phone, please call before or after school, during 2nd or 7th period, or email me and we can set up a time that works well for you.