
I was really excited to work with Nathan and his group on this spread because of the content about the different types of celebrations and cultures. With this spread, I was teaching Nathan how to design, so he gave feedback about what would be a strong cutout like the one where Katherine is blowing a kiss. We didn't make it the dominant because we thought it would be a strong photo on the side where it could be in a gradient bar and she could be blowing her kiss into the captions.  I wanted the reader to be drawn in by Katherine so I made the dominant big of her dancing with one of her friends. Then I had one photo layer on top of it and had the headline outline the right side of it. With each mod, I put an outlined subject heading like "Filipino Debut" to showcase each celebration. With the two other mod stories. I used a gradient bar to lead the reader into those stories.  I chose only one all-coverage device on the top because I wanted the dominant photo to bleed to the bottom.