
Battle of Corydon

The Battle of Corydon took place July 9, 1863. It was the only battle of the Civil War that occurred in Indiana. General John Hunt Morgan led his cavalry of 2000 men across the Ohio River to the city of Corydon. About 450 men assembled to guard their city using catapults and cannons, but they were quickly defeated and the town surrendered. The Confederate troops raided the city, damaged property, and stole goods before moving onto to other cities.

Our First Capital

Corydon was founded in 1808 and served as the Indiana Territory capital until 1816. Delegates from 13 counties met in Corydon to draw up Indiana's first constitution. Because of the hot weather, some meetings were held under a large elm tree. The tree provided shade and was near a spring that furnished cool drinking water for the delegates. This tree became known as the Constitution Elm.

In 1825, the capital was moved to Indianapolis because of its more central location within the state.

Information from -,_Indiana