
Principal's Message

Dear Monarchs,

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Congratulations to our second week of SOAR card winners for this week! Piper N., Teia B., Joey B., Stone K. , Austin C., Bryce T. and Stella C. for showing Acceptance and Ownership this week during Distance Learning. Keep up the great work Monarchs! I hope to announce more students next week demonstrating Ownership and Acceptance. Stay healthy and safe!

Principal's Activity of the Week

Ok Monarchs Here's the next problem of the week. Good luck!

I'm in, what do I do now?

  1. Access the math problem (click on the picture to the left)- either print or use your own paper and complete the entire problem

  2. Describe HOW you got your answer on your paper and what mathematical practices you used.

  3. Email Mrs. Friel your work and answer - by FRIDAY MAY 15th.

  4. Mrs. Friel will email the solution to students who submit, and an extra SOAR card for those who got the answer correct.

Principal's Activity of the Week

Great work Monarchs on last week's problem. It was a HARD one. I've made this week's a little easier.. hopefully But you never know!

I'm in, what do I do now?

  1. Access the math problem (click on the picture to the left)- either print or use your own paper and complete the entire problem

  2. Describe HOW you got your answer on your paper and what mathematical practices you used.

  3. Email Mrs. Friel your work and answer - by FRIDAY MAY 15th.

  4. Mrs. Friel will email the solution to students who submit, and an extra SOAR card for those who got the answer correct.

Principal's Activity of the Week

Great work Monarchs on last week's problem. The answer was 9:59 - sum of 23. Don't forget, 1/2 of the work is to describe HOW you did this, I won't accept answers this week without the how.

I'm in, what do I do now?

  1. Access the math problem (click on the picture to the left)- either print or use your own paper and complete the entire problem

  2. Describe HOW you got your answer on your paper and what mathematical practices you used.

  3. Email Mrs. Friel your work and answer - by FRIDAY MAY 8th.

  4. Mrs. Friel will email the solution to students who submit, and an extra SOAR card for those who got the answer correct.

Principal's Activity of the Week

This week we begin the Weekly Math Challenge. Click on the picture to the left to access our first Problem of the Week. This is an optional, fun activity any student can participate in.

How do you compete?

  1. Access the math problem - either print or use your own paper and complete the entire problem

  2. Describe HOW you got your answer on your paper and what mathematical practices you used.

  3. Email Mrs. Friel your work and answer - by FRIDAY MAY 1st.

  4. Mrs. Friel will email the solution to students who submit, and an extra SOAR card for those who got the answer correct.

This is our first week, we'll see if this is too easy, we have LOTS Of problems to choose from in the future, so we'll adjust each week Good luck!

Principal's Activity of the Week

This week we will begin awarding SOAR cards. Teachers will be looking for who is demonstrating our SOAR expectations during Distance Learning- during Zoom calls, in turning in assignments, or commenting on others' work and Google Classroom.

Look here next Monday to see who has been picked as a winner! We'll pick 6 winners each week.

Principal's Activity of the Week

This week we will show some SCHOOL SPIRIT. Each day we will have a different spirit day. Take a selfie each day following the theme below and then upload it to the photo album linked above. Student Council will be counting who participates and we will recognize students' efforts!

  • Monday (6th) = Pajama + stuffed animal day

  • Tuesday (7th) = Mariposa spirit wear day

  • Wednesday (8th) = Crazy hair day

  • Thursday (9th) = Sports day + family game night challenge (Take a picture of you and your family playing a board game!)

  • Friday (10th) = Free Spirit Day (Pick any type of spirit day you choose! Be creative!)

Principal's Activity of the Day

While we can't attend real in-person field trips, Virtual Field Trips will help break up the monotony of the week. When you look them up, however, it can often be overwhelming. This week I've highlighted 2 for each grade level to help accompany the current Social Studies Curriculum.

4th Grade:

Explore a California Mission and learn more about the history and culture.

Explore a National Park of your choice and see what it may have!

5th Grade:

Check out the Natural History Smithsonian museum's history of the US

Be a Colonist in Jamestown Virginia as one of the first settlers. It's like a choose your own adventure!